Improving the Effectiveness of Career and Life Planning Education

The Youth I.D.E.A.S. announced its latest report on
Improving the Effectiveness of Career and Life Planning Education

Integrating the opinion from youth, teachers and experts, carrying out Career and Life Planning Education (CLP Education) during Secondary Education was meaningful and stimulating. Yet, there is room for improvement for the implementation process.


The research project conducted from November to December, 2018, highlighted a worry regarding to the effectiveness of CLP education in promoting ‘Multiple Pathways’, when 29.1% of the 751 youth participants of an online survey claimed feeling failed to do so. Besides, the fact that teachers from the 103 surveyed schools are reported to stress further studies heavily as a pathway (average ranking: 1.09), indicated a room for improvement in such area too.


Apart from that, whether schools adopting ‘whole-school approach’ in implementing CLP Education was doubted, when fewer than seven teachers (6.80) in each of the schools in the survey were involved in CLP, and on average less than half (3.14) had done any relevant professional training provided by the Education Bureau..


On a scale of 0 to 10, youths’ average rating towards current CLP Education was only 6.01, lower than the self-evaluation of teachers (mean score: 7.27). Meanwhile, both surveyed teachers (mean score: 5.86) and youths (mean score: 5.96) were not satisfied with the performance of current CLP Education in ‘helping students to manage and adapt to the transition from school to work’, which was the lowest among the 7 surveyed evaluative items.

