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January 31, 2016

Young People’s Perception on Public Consultations

The Youth I.D.E.A.S. announced its latest report on Young People’s Perception on Public Consultations
December 30, 2015

Enhancing the Conditions for Technology Start-ups

The Youth I.D.E.A.S. announced its latest report on Enhancing the Conditions for Technology Start-ups   The Youth I.D.E.A.S. (established by HKFYG Youth Research Centre) has released its fifth study on enhancing the conditions for technology start-ups.  Data gathered from 217 start-up entrepreneurs found that the average score for the level of difficulty of starting up technology enterprises is 6.59.  The applied technology environment for technology start-ups is not perceived favourable by the respondents.  The average scores for talent supply, innovation culture, technical support and research standard are 4.86, 5.00, 5.08 and 5.31 respectively.  Government policy receives the lowest average score […]
December 22, 2015

Attracting Talents to Hong Kong: Impact and Opportunities

The Youth I.D.E.A.S. announced its latest report on Attracting Talents to Hong Kong: Impact and Opportunities   The Youth I.D.E.A.S. has released its sixth study on “Attracting Talents to Hong Kong: Impact and Opportunities”. Data gathered from 520 young respondents found that the average score for the level of support of attracting talents to Hong Kong is 5.8 on the scale of 0 to 10.   Young respondents reveal that talent attraction can promote the development of new industries in Hong Kong with an average score of 6.1 and enhance the quality of Hong Kong’s human capital with an average […]
October 29, 2015

Encouraging Young People to Participate in Innovation and Technology Development

The Youth I.D.E.A.S. announced its latest report on Encouraging Young People to Participate in Innovation and Technology Development   The Youth I.D.E.A.S. has released its fourth study on “Encouraging Young People to Participate in Innovation and Technology Development”. The Study found that among 494 young respondents, over ninety percent (92.5%) agree that Hong Kong should strengthen the development of Innovation and Technology. A majority of young respondents show dissatisfactions towards the current performance of Innovation and Technology and felt pessimistic at the future of youth engagement in this industry. Some revealed that current university programmes over-emphasise on theoretical basis with […]
September 30, 2015

Who is Willing to Take up Positions in Public Affairs?

The Youth I.D.E.A.S. announced its latest report on Who is Willing to Take up Positions in Public Affairs?
August 27, 2015

What can the Younger Generation do for an Aged Society?

The Youth I.D.E.A.S. announced its latest report on What can the Younger Generation do for an Aged Society?   The Youth I.D.E.A.S. has released its second study on “What can the Younger Generation do for an Aged Society?” The Study found that the young respondents are willing to take responsibility for caring for their own parents (average score 8.31), but have little confidence that the next generation will take care of them (average score 5.26). They do not consider the elderly a social burden. Furthermore, the young respondents are worried about their future lives, mainly in terms of finances, health […]
July 30, 2015

The Opportunities of Vocational Training for Youth Employment

The Youth I.D.E.A.S. announced its latest report on The Opportunities of Vocational Training for Youth Employment   The new Youth I.D.E.A.S. (established by HKFYG Youth Research Centre) has released its first study on the opportunities offered by vocational training for youth employment.  Data gathered during an online survey found that only a minority (18.2%) think that vocational training educational credentials receive recognition in Hong Kong.  32.0% of the 941 14-25 year-olds surveyed have an impression that vocational training is for those “who are not able to go to the university”.  44.8% think that their prospects with vocational training would be […]
August 11, 2014

A Survey of Online Social Participation by Youth

(Chinese version only)   「青年網上社會參與」意見調查 主要研究數據 2014年8月 圖一:受訪青年過去一年主要透過不同渠道接收/瀏覽新聞或社會時事資訊 * 非互聯網:如電視/電台、報章/雜誌、書本/刊物、短訊、廣告板/海報/公共電子顯示板 圖二:受訪青年過去一年表示有參與的「網上社會參與」項目 * 數據經加權統計 圖三:受訪青年過去一年表示有就社會議題主動參與的項目 * 數據經加權統計 圖四:受訪青年對網上社會參與影響評價 *數據經加權統計 調查於2014年6月26日至7月12日期間進行,透過全港性的隨機抽樣意見調查,用電話成功訪問了522名年齡介乎10至24歲香港青年。詳細內容,請按此。
July 7, 2014

A Survey of Digital Reading by Youth

(Chinese version only)   「青年電子閱讀」意見調查 主要研究數據 2014年7月 圖一:過去一年,你曾經透過以下邊啲工具進行電子閱讀? * 數據經加權統計 此題為「可選多項」題目,所列數據為選擇該答案的人次佔總答題人數之百分比 圖二:整體而言,你每日平均用幾多時間進行電子閱讀?   * 數據經加權統計 圖三:你多數響乜嘢情況下進行電子閱讀? * 數據經加權統計 此題為「可選多項」題目,所列數據為選擇該答案的人次佔總答題人數之百分比 圖四:你最經常閱讀邊啲類別? * 數據經加權統計 此題為「可選多項」題目,所列數據為選擇該答案的人次佔總答題人數之百分比 調查於2014年6月26日至7月12日期間進行,透過全港性的隨機抽樣意見調查,用電話成功訪問了522名年齡介乎10至24歲香港青年。詳細內容,請按此。