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Press Briefing

September 5, 2023
ChatGPT 青年研究 青年研究中心 生成式AI 人工智能 青年創研庫 AI人工智能

Press Briefing on “Career Development and Challenges in the New Era of Generative AI”

July 25, 2023
可持續消費 香港回收 碳中和建議 實行碳標籤 低碳生活 綠色轉型 綠在區區 青年創研庫 青年研究中心

Press Briefing on “Working Towards Sustainable Consumption”

May 28, 2023

Press Briefing on “Why a Global Perspective Matters to Young People”

September 6, 2022

Press Briefing on “ Effectively Supporting SEN Secondary Students with e-Learning”

  The coronavirus shut down schools and most schools had to resort to online teaching. The changes of education setting pose a considerable challenge to students with special educational needs (SEN). What are their difficulties and what kind of support do they need? The Youth I.D.E.A.S. (established by HKFYG Youth Research Centre) has completed the study “Effectively Supporting SEN Secondary Students with e-Learning” in which survey and interview were conducted to SEN students and teachers. The research report has been published on 6 September 2022. More: Effectively Supporting SEN Secondary Students with e-Learning  
July 31, 2022

Press Briefing on “Tapping into the Economic Opportunities of the Metaverse”

  The Metaverse signifies the arrival of Web 3.0 with a new economic structure. A number of governments from different places have already introduced relevant policies to support the economic development of the Metaverse. It is worth to look at how Hong Kong can tap into this economic opportunity and catch up with the global development trends. The Youth I.D.E.A.S. (established by HKFYG Youth Research Centre) has completed the study on “Tapping into the Economic Opportunities of the Metaverse” through an online survey and in-depth interviews and released the report on 31 July 2022. More: Tapping into the Economic Opportunities […]
July 4, 2022

“What Young People Want for Hong Kong” Press Briefing

  The Hong Kong society has experienced unprecedented difficulties in recent years brought about by social incidents, epidemic and others. The relationship between the Government and the youngsters gets worse. While Hong Kong is entering into a new stage with the establishment of the sixth-term of the HKSAR Government, the aspirations of the youngsters for their own, the city, as well as the new government deserve our attention.The Youth I.D.E.A.S. has conducted a research about what young people want for Hong Kong. Data was collected during March to May 2022, and the research report has been published recently.   More: […]