Latest Research

December 24, 2024

Preparing Young People for Hong Kong’s Economic Transition

Youth I.D.E.A.S. 81 Economic & Employment  —— Preparing Young People for Hong Kong’s Economic Transition Hong Kong, as an externally-oriented economy, has been affected as the global environment has become more challenging, due to the slowing global economy, prospects of increased protectionism and increases in geopolitical tensions. Youth, as the engine of social progress and economic development, are an important component of human capital. How do young people view the economic prospects of Hong Kong, given the economic transition and the increasingly competitive environment? Their perspectives on economic development strategies, as well as their personal career planning and preparation, are issues worthy […]
December 24, 2024

Enabling Robust Cross-border Health Services for Hong Kong Residents

Youth I.D.E.A.S. 79 Society and Livelihood  —— Enabling Robust Cross-border Health Services for Hong Kong Residents Hong Kong is renowned for its healthcare system, which operates on a dual-track basis comprising both the public and private sectors that complement each other. The public healthcare sector, subsidised by the Government, provides affordable and appropriate services to meet the needs of citizens. However, the healthcare system is overwhelmed due to the increasing ageing population and the growing number of chronic disease patients, all while facing a shortage of healthcare manpower. Thus, society must seek other measures to address these issues and achieve the […]
December 6, 2024

Youth Uniformed Groups in Nurturing Young People

Youth I.D.E.A.S. 80 Youth Development  —— Youth Uniformed Groups in Nurturing Young People There are various youth uniform groups (UGs) around the world; some are established by community-based organisations, and some by governments. The current-term Government has strived to promote youth development. Mentioned in its first Youth Development Blueprint, the Government encouraged more young people to join a UG as one of its whole-person development measures. Currently, the Home and Youth Affairs Bureau provides regular subvention to 11 community UGs. There are 8 UGs under the Security Bureau. As society continues to change, and the Government pays more attention to promoting […]

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