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July 30, 2015

The Opportunities of Vocational Training for Youth Employment

  Youth I.D.E.A.S. 01 Employment and Economic Development The Opportunities of Vocational Training for Youth Employment 30 July, 2015     There is a strong demand for staffing in Hong Kong.  According to a paper on Manpower Projection produced by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) government, the total labour supply in 2022 is projected to fall short of the total requirements by 120,000.  Local surveys also show that there are severe labour shortages in professional and technical roles in specific industries such as construction and health care.  The situation is unlikely to be resolved in the foreseeable future.  […]
July 13, 2015

Youth Trends in Hong Kong 2015

Youth Trends in Hong Kong 2015 is a compilation of statistical data from various sources and a survey by the Youth Research Centre of the HKFYG. There are five main chapters in the book. They are “Introduction of the main findings about youth”, “Youth research and data analysis”, “Indicators of Youth Values”, “International Youth Comparison” and “Conclusion and Suggestion”. There are two main survey reports included in Trends 2015. For “Indicators of Youth Values” (Chapter 3), it is the twelfth in a series that has been published by the HKFYG Youth Research Centre since 1997. Statistical data including the comparison […]
July 10, 2013

Youth Trends In Hong Kong 2013

  Youth Trends in Hong Kong 2013 is a compilation of statistical data and survey findings by HKFYG’s Youth Research Centre. Data is organized in 7 sections: (1) population and family; (2) education; (3) financial independence; (4) information and communication technology; (5) participation and engagement; (6) physical and mental health and (7) abnormal or deviant behaviour. Each section is followed by conclusions based on the data reported. The book also has “Indicators of Youth Values”, the eleventh since the series began in 1997. These snapshots of youth in Hong Kong include observations on their changed values over the intervening years. […]

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