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July 25, 2023
可持續消費 香港回收 碳中和建議 實行碳標籤 低碳生活 綠色轉型 綠在區區 青年創研庫 青年研究中心

Working Towards Sustainable Consumption

Youth I.D.E.A.S. 73 Society and Livelihood — Working Towards Sustainable Consumption   Over the past few decades, Hong Kong has experienced rapid economic development, transforming it into an internationally affluent city. However, this has also resulted in excessive resource consumption and waste disposal. As Hong Kong enters a post-pandemic recovery phase and society returns to normal, it is worth all stakeholders in society to consider how to change their consumption habits, and what the Government and society as a whole could do to aid the transition to sustainable and carbon-neutral lifestyles. The Youth I.D.E.A.S. has conducted research about “Working Towards Sustainable Consumption”. Data was […]
May 28, 2023

Why a Global Perspective Matters to Young People

Youth I.D.E.A.S. 71 Youth Development — Why a Global Perspective Matters to Young People     As an international city, Hong Kong remains closes liaison with the Mainland and is interconnected with various parts of the world at different aspects. The HKSAR Government, in its first edition Youth Development Blueprint, mentioned that its vision is to nurture a new generation of young people with an affection for the country and Hong Kong, and equipped with global perspective, an aspiring mind-set and positive thinking.  As society gradually resumes to normalcy, Hong Kong is on the way to reconnect with the world. It is […]
July 31, 2022

Tapping into the Economic Opportunities of the Metaverse

  Youth I.D.E.A.S. 70 Economic Development Tapping into the Economic Opportunities of the Metaverse   The concept of the virtual “Metaverse” world has become popular since 2021. It is considered a new economy trend worthy of universal attention.[1] The Metaverse generally refers to a network of 3D virtual worlds focused on social connection. People in the real world can enter these artificial worlds with an avatar by using virtual-reality and augmented-reality headsets, mobile phones, personal computers and video game consoles. The Metaverse can also be understood as a huge application of various off-the-shelf technologies such as blockchain, artificial intelligence, virtual […]

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