July 30, 2015

The Opportunities of Vocational Training for Youth Employment

  Youth I.D.E.A.S. 01 Employment and Economic Development The Opportunities of Vocational Training for Youth Employment 30 July, 2015     There is a strong demand for staffing in Hong Kong.  According to a paper on Manpower Projection produced by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) government, the total labour supply in 2022 is projected to fall short of the total requirements by 120,000.  Local surveys also show that there are severe labour shortages in professional and technical roles in specific industries such as construction and health care.  The situation is unlikely to be resolved in the foreseeable future.  […]
July 13, 2015

Volume 18, Issue No. 2 (Serial No. 36) Strategies and Trends for Implementing Vocational Education in Hong Kong

Journal of Youth Studies July 2015 Volume 18 . Issue No. 2 Serial No. 36
January 14, 2015

Volume 18, Issue No. 1 (Serial No. 35) Youth and the Universal Retirement Protection Scheme: What it Means for Them?

Journal of Youth Studies January 2015 Volume 18 . Issue No. 1 Serial No. 35
July 19, 2014

Volume 17, Issue No. 2 (Serial No. 34) Creative Industries and Opportunities for Youth Development

Journal of Youth Studies July 2014 Volume 17 . Issue No. 2 Serial No. 34
January 17, 2014

Volume 17, Issue No. 1 (Serial No. 33) Building Governance Capacity for the HKSAR Government: Obstacles and Solutions

Journal of Youth Studies January 2014 Volume 17 . Issue No. 1 Serial No. 33
July 17, 2013

Volume 16, Issue No. 2 (Serial No. 32) Population Policy: Nurturing Young Talent and Increasing Productivity

Journal of Youth Studies July 2013 Volume 16 . Issue No. 2 Serial No. 32
January 18, 2013

Volume 16, Issue No. 1 (Serial No. 31) Youth Development in a Multimedia World

Journal of Youth Studies January 2013 Volume 16 . Issue No. 1 Serial No. 31
July 20, 2012

Volume 15, Issue No. 2 (Serial No. 30) The Challenges of Hong Kong’s Economic Integration with the Mainland

Journal of Youth Studies July 2012 Volume 15 . Issue No. 2 Serial No. 30
January 23, 2012

Volume 15, Issue No. 1 (Serial No. 29) The Impact of the New Senior Secondary Academic Structure on Youth

Journal of Youth Studies January 2012 Volume 15 . Issue No. 1 Serial No. 29