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September 6, 2022

Press Briefing on “ Effectively Supporting SEN Secondary Students with e-Learning”

  The coronavirus shut down schools and most schools had to resort to online teaching. The changes of education setting pose a considerable challenge to students with special educational needs (SEN). What are their difficulties and what kind of support do they need? The Youth I.D.E.A.S. (established by HKFYG Youth Research Centre) has completed the study “Effectively Supporting SEN Secondary Students with e-Learning” in which survey and interview were conducted to SEN students and teachers. The research report has been published on 6 September 2022. More: Effectively Supporting SEN Secondary Students with e-Learning  
July 31, 2022

Press Briefing on “Tapping into the Economic Opportunities of the Metaverse”

  The Metaverse signifies the arrival of Web 3.0 with a new economic structure. A number of governments from different places have already introduced relevant policies to support the economic development of the Metaverse. It is worth to look at how Hong Kong can tap into this economic opportunity and catch up with the global development trends. The Youth I.D.E.A.S. (established by HKFYG Youth Research Centre) has completed the study on “Tapping into the Economic Opportunities of the Metaverse” through an online survey and in-depth interviews and released the report on 31 July 2022. More: Tapping into the Economic Opportunities […]
July 4, 2022

“What Young People Want for Hong Kong” Press Briefing

  The Hong Kong society has experienced unprecedented difficulties in recent years brought about by social incidents, epidemic and others. The relationship between the Government and the youngsters gets worse. While Hong Kong is entering into a new stage with the establishment of the sixth-term of the HKSAR Government, the aspirations of the youngsters for their own, the city, as well as the new government deserve our attention.The Youth I.D.E.A.S. has conducted a research about what young people want for Hong Kong. Data was collected during March to May 2022, and the research report has been published recently.   More: […]
May 30, 2022

A Study on the Rise of Fake News

The Youth I.D.E.A.S. announced its latest report on “A Study on the Rise of Fake News”       The Youth I.D.E.A.S. (established by HKFYG Youth Research Centre) has released its study on “The Rise of Fake News”.   “Fake news” refers to disinformation or misinformation. 740 young people (aged 15-34) were polled in this study. 66.2 percent respondents were exposed to disinformation in the past 6 months, of which 83.9% said that they saw disinformation in social media or personal communication platforms, and most often encounter “political” (74.1%) and “pandemic” (73.3%) disinformation.   67.6% of the respondents viewed disinformation […]
May 19, 2022

The Competitiveness of Hong Kong’s Young People in the Greater Bay Area

HSBC and The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups Youth Research Centre published a study on “The Competitiveness of Hong Kong’s Young People in the Greater Bay Area”       HSBC and The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups Youth Research Centre published a study on “The Competitiveness of Hong Kong’s Young People in the Greater Bay Area.   The respondents – 720 local university students who have shown an interest in developing their careers in the mainland cities in the Greater Bay Area (GBA) – are most interested in working in three sectors: cultural and creative (17.9%); financial […]
December 22, 2021

Sustaining Sports Development by Strengthening its Industry

The Youth I.D.E.A.S. announced its latest report on “Sustaining Sports Development by Strengthening its Industry”       The Youth I.D.E.A.S. (established by HKFYG Youth Research Centre) has released its study on “Sustaining Sports Development by Strengthening its Industry”.   Data gathered from 520 Hong Kong residents aged 15-64 showed that respondents gave the prospects of sports development, working in the sports industry and being a professional athlete only 5.32, 5.55 and 5.46 points respectively out of 10. Besides, 28.8% of the respondents did not exercise at all in the past six months, while 41% exercise at least once per […]
November 8, 2021

Strengthening the Rule of Law through Education

The Youth I.D.E.A.S. announced its latest report on “Strengthening the Rule of Law through Education”       The Youth I.D.E.A.S. (established by HKFYG Youth Research Centre) has released its study on “Strengthening the Rule of Law through Education”.   529 young people (aged 15-34) polled in a survey gave an average 7.87 points on a scale of 0-10 (10 = very important; 5=medium) when asked to rate the importance of rule of law as a core value of Hong Kong. Seventy percent(70.1%)said that their confidence in the city’s rule of law was reduced after the recent spate of social […]
September 27, 2021

Unleashing the Potential of Local Entertainment Industry

The Youth I.D.E.A.S. announced its latest report on “Unleashing the Potential of Local Entertainment Industry”       The Youth I.D.E.A.S. (established by HKFYG Youth Research Centre) has released its study on “Unleashing the Potential of Local Entertainment Industry”.   This Research studied the creative industry focusing on music, film, television and online content production. 816 Hong Kong residents aged 15-65 were polled in this study. On a scale of 0 to 10, respondents rated the statement “local entertainment production can best represent Hong Kong’s culture” at an average of 6.23. The statement “local entertainment production enhances my self-identity as […]
August 30, 2021

Preparing for the Changes in the Senior Secondary Curriculum

The Youth I.D.E.A.S. announced its latest report on “Preparing for the Changes in the Senior Secondary Curriculum” The Youth I.D.E.A.S. (established by HKFYG Youth Research Centre) has released its study on “Preparing for the Changes in the Senior Secondary Curriculum”.   For the surveyed 395 Hong Kong secondary school teachers, they generally understand the curriculum changes, with an average rating above 6/10. However, when being asked on the progress of preparing teaching materials, Chinese and Liberal Studies teachers rated 4.8/10 and 2.49/10 on average respectively. Moreover, Liberal Studies teachers are less confident (3.63/10) and feel more pressure (7.97/10) than teachers […]