Media Centre

Press Briefing

July 11, 2019

Youth Trends in Hong Kong 2018

  Youth Trends in Hong Kong 2018 is a compilation of statistical data from various sources and a survey by the Youth Research Centre of the HKFYG. There are four main chapters in the book. They are “Introduction of the main findings about youth”, “Youth research and data analysis”, “Indicators of Youth Values”, and “Conclusion and Suggestion”.   Overall, the statistics and figures covered in the book present a general picture on various topics related to young people nowadays. Analysis and recommendations are put forward for reference.  
June 27, 2019

Attracting Diverse Young Talents to Hong Kong

The Youth I.D.E.A.S. announced its latest report on “Attracting Diverse Young Talents to Hong Kong”     The Youth I.D.E.A.S. (established by HKFYG Youth Research Centre) has released its study on “Attracting Diverse Young Talents to Hong Kong”.   Figures from the Immigration Department showed that 66,176 foreign talents were approved to work in Hong Kong in 2018 which amounts to 1.67% of the total work force. This percentage is much lower than those of Switzerland and Singapore whose talent rankings top the world. Figures also showed that only 555 and 40 foreign talents were approved to work here under […]
May 26, 2019

Increasing the Efficacy of ICT Education at Junior Secondary Level

The Youth I.D.E.A.S. announced its latest report on Increasing the Efficacy of ICT Education at Junior Secondary Level     Integrating the opinion from youth, teachers and experts, we found that ICT education at Junior Secondary Level plays an important role in developing students’ problem-solving skills and the ability to adopt ICT tools both for learning and daily life. It can also enable enhanced information literacy and life-long learning.   The research project conducted from March to May, 2019, highlighted a significant difference between teachers’ and students’ evaluation on students’ ICT ability. Among the 101 teachers surveyed, most of them […]
April 28, 2019

Advancing the Honours and Awards System of the HKSAR

The Youth I.D.E.A.S. announced its latest report on Advancing the Honours and Awards System of the HKSAR     An onsite survey conducted in March on 522 Hong Kong citizens aged 18 or above noted that 95.2% of respondents considered it an important issue for a government to honour people for their contribution to society. Close to 80% (79.5%) said that an honours and awards system with credibility would enhance their support to the HKSAR Government.   About 60% (59.6%), however, said they would not consider nominating anyone. Among them, about 30% (29.6%) said it was because there are no […]
April 2, 2019

Volume 21, Issue No. 1 (Serial No. 41) Development of Youth’s Whole Person Wellness

Journal of Youth Studies January 2018 Volume 21 . Issue No. 1 Serial No. 41     Under the rapid development of the society and the improvement of our quality of life, the definition of ‘health’ has been transformed. Health no longer solely means the absence of diseases and has been developed into a conception of whole person wellness which refers to physical, emotional, spiritual and social well-being. Youth is the new force in our society. Since whole person wellness could help young people overcome difficulties and challenges, understanding and promoting youth wellness is crucial.   The theme of this issue […]
March 28, 2019

Stepping up Efforts in Reducing and Recycling Waste in Hong Kong

The Youth I.D.E.A.S. announced its latest report on Stepping up Efforts in Reducing and Recycling Waste in Hong Kong     The Youth I.D.E.A.S. (established by HKFYG Youth Research Centre) has released its study on “Stepping up Efforts in Reducing and Recycling Waste in Hong Kong”.   Data gathered from 520 Hong Kong youth aged from 15 to 34 showed that about 60% of them had “occasionally” or “frequently” recycled plastic (66%), paper (60.6%) or metal (59.4%) in the one month before survey. However, 31.1% had “seldom” or “never” recycled garbage. Among of them, 63.6% was saying the main reason […]