Latest Research
August 21, 2019
Youth I.D.E.A.S. 44 Society and Livelihood Co-Living: An Alternative Hong Kong Housing Solution for Youth? 21 August, 2019 Co-living is a modern form of shared housing that combines private living spaces with shared communal facilities. It provides an affordable housing alternative by sharing expenses. The idea of co-living also emphasizes building up interpersonal networks and promoting social contact through community events. The earlier form of co-living originated from Denmark’s co-housing projects in the 1970s. This extended gradually to The Netherlands and onto the UK. In recent years, it can be seen throughout the US, across Europe, […]
July 11, 2019
Youth Trends in Hong Kong 2018 is a compilation of statistical data from various sources and a survey by the Youth Research Centre of the HKFYG. There are four main chapters in the book. They are “Introduction of the main findings about youth”, “Youth research and data analysis”, “Indicators of Youth Values”, and “Conclusion and Suggestion”. For “Indicators of Youth Values” (Chapter 3), it is the fifteenth in a series that has been published by the HKFYG Youth Research Centre since 1997. Statistical data including the comparison throughout the years and thus the changes trends of youth values in […]
June 27, 2019
Youth I.D.E.A.S. 43 Employment and Economics Development Attracting Diverse Young Talents to Hong Kong 27 June, 2019 The Census and Statistics Department has estimated that the overall labour force participation rate in Hong Kong will decrease gradually from 59.2% in 2016 to 49.6% in 2066.[1] This figure reflects the fact that the labour force is gradually shrinking due to an aging population, a trend that may hinder Hong Kong’s overall economic development. Consequently, in its previous reports, the Employment and Economic Development Group of the Youth I.D.E.A.S. has discussed the issue of encouraging young-old people’s and women’s […]