Latest Research
December 22, 2015
Youth I.D.E.A.S. 06 Society and Livelihood Attracting Talents to Hong Kong: Impact and Opportunities 22 December, 2015 With the transformation of Hong Kong into a knowledge-based economy, the demand for talent has increased. In addition to this, the challenges posed by an ageing population and declining fertility rate are further exacerbating the ardent demand for qualified and skilled specialists. The government of Hong Kong has implemented admission schemes through which professionals and entrepreneurs can attract talented people to work in Hong Kong. According to the Immigration Department’s statistics, 51,827 non-local talented people were approved to work […]
September 30, 2015
Youth I.D.E.A.S. 03 Governance and Constitutional Development Who is Willing to Take up Positions in Public Affairs? 30 September, 2015 Young people’s participation in society is an important element of sustainable social development because it increases their sense of belonging and commitment to society. It also allows young people to unleash their creativity and uniqueness, and to help create the society that they envision. Three decades ago, the United Nations made “Participation, Development, Peace” the theme of the first International Youth Year, defining the role of young people in the participation of national and social affairs, economic […]
August 27, 2015
Youth I.D.E.A.S. 02 Society and Livelihood What can the Younger Generation do for an Aged Society? 27 August, 2015 The ageing population is a global trend. According to the Census and Statistics Department’s recent estimate[1] of Hong Kong’s population, the proportion aged 65 or above is projected to rise markedly, from 13% in 2011 to 30% in 2041. This means a gradual change from one elder for every three persons in the population, to almost one for every seven. The rise in the median population age may also reflect this trend. It is estimated that the […]
July 30, 2015
Youth I.D.E.A.S. 01 Employment and Economic Development The Opportunities of Vocational Training for Youth Employment 30 July, 2015 There is a strong demand for staffing in Hong Kong. According to a paper on Manpower Projection produced by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) government, the total labour supply in 2022 is projected to fall short of the total requirements by 120,000. Local surveys also show that there are severe labour shortages in professional and technical roles in specific industries such as construction and health care. The situation is unlikely to be resolved in the foreseeable future. […]
July 13, 2015
Youth Trends in Hong Kong 2015 is a compilation of statistical data from various sources and a survey by the Youth Research Centre of the HKFYG. There are five main chapters in the book. They are “Introduction of the main findings about youth”, “Youth research and data analysis”, “Indicators of Youth Values”, “International Youth Comparison” and “Conclusion and Suggestion”. There are two main survey reports included in Trends 2015. For “Indicators of Youth Values” (Chapter 3), it is the twelfth in a series that has been published by the HKFYG Youth Research Centre since 1997. Statistical data including the comparison […]
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Youth Research Centre
4/F, The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups Building, 21 Pak Fuk Road, North Point, Hong Kong
Monday to Friday
9AM to 1PM
2PM to 6PM
Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays