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August 30, 2021

All-round Wellness

All-round Wellness   Hong Kong has faced unprecedented challenges over the past two years. This has not been easy in the entire community, but particularly for the all-round wellbeing of young people. No one can predict when another pandemic, collective trauma or stressor would hit. One of the most effective ways to cope is to build strength, unity and resilience within the community to weather the current storm and prepare for the next. An HKFYG report was conducted to explore ways how young people might do this through understanding the concept of all-round wellness.
August 2, 2021

Navigating Career Opportunities for Young People

Youth I.D.E.A.S. 62 Economics Navigating Career Opportunities for Young People 1 August, 2021   The employment situation of Hong Kong’s young people has been drawing public attention. It is worth looking at how young people’s employment opportunities can be opened up so that their career development choices can be broadened in order to cope with future economic development trends.   Hong Kong is an important financial centre and commercial hub in the world, attracting enterprises of different capital backgrounds. Among them, enterprises from mainland China have been gradually increasing since the 1980s. In recent years, investments from mainland China have […]
June 15, 2021

The Challenges of Civil Servant Talent Development

  Youth I.D.E.A.S. 61 Governance The Challenges of Civil Servant Talent Development 14 June, 2021     Good public governance relies on people with outstanding talent performing their duties and displaying leadership skills in their positions. In Hong Kong, the Government appoints individuals to the Executive Council, the various advisory bodies, and the political accountable team through the Political Appointment System. The Legislative Council, District Councils, political parties, and other social organisations are the platforms to develop such potential.   According to Hong Kong’s Civil Service Code, the Civil Service is the backbone of the HKSAR Government. It is responsible […]

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