December 20, 2018

Involving the Community in Public Finance Management

Youth I.D.E.A.S. 37 Governance and Constitutional Development Involving the Community in Public Finance Management 20 December, 2018     The process of public finance management is how the government uses and distributes resources. Effective management of public finances is beneficial to the stability and sustainability of society. To support this, effective public participation can help to not only strengthen government policy legitimacy but also aid in building public trust in the government. Various governments and institutional organizations around the world value the importance of, and actively seek, public participation in aspects of public finance management. This includes topics as wide-ranging […]
November 27, 2018

Enhancing Career Opportunities for Higher Educated Youth with SEN or Disabilities

The Youth I.D.E.A.S. announced its latest report on Enhancing Career Opportunities for Higher Educated Youth with SEN or Disabilities     The Youth I.D.E.A.S. (established by HKFYG Youth Research Centre) has released its study on “Enhancing Career Opportunities for Higher Educated Youth with SEN or Disabilities”.   Data gathered from 520 Hong Kong residents aged 18 or above showed that 26.0% of them are not willing to work a youth with SEN. The reasons were “it would increase my workload” (60.7%), “I didn’t know how to work with them” (43.7%) and “they could be dangerous or harmful” (27.4%).   Lack […]
November 27, 2018

Enhancing Career Opportunities for Higher Educated Youth with SEN or Disabilities

  Youth I.D.E.A.S. 36 Society and Livelihood Enhancing Career Opportunities for Higher Educated Youth with SEN or Disabilities 27 November, 2018     Under the Education Bureau’s Integrated Education Policy, the term “special educational needs” (SEN) refers to students who have learning problems or disabilities, including specific learning difficulties, intellectual disability, autism spectrum disorders, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, physical disability, visual impairment, hearing impairment, speech and language impairments, and mental illness. Under the Hong Kong Rehabilitation Programme Plan, the categories of disability also include all of the types of SEN mentioned above.   Students with SEN may also be known as […]
October 30, 2018

Improving Incentives for Women’s Employment

The Youth I.D.E.A.S. announced its latest report on Improving Incentives for Women’s Employment     The Youth I.D.E.A.S. (established by HKFYG Youth Research Centre) has released its study on “Improving Incentives for Women’s Employment”.   Data gathered from 520 Hong Kong residents aged 18 or above showed that 83.1% support improvement in women’s employment but they only gave an average rate of 4.11 (0-10 scale) on the work of the HKSAR government in this area.   Some women said that they experience tension as a result of both employment and child care. Employers’ representatives said women are welcome to return […]
October 30, 2018

Improving Incentives for Women’s Employment

  Youth I.D.E.A.S. 35 Employment and Economic Development Improving Incentives for Women’s Employment 30 October, 2018     According to the Census and Statistics Department,[1] the overall labour force participation rate in Hong Kong will decrease gradually from 59.2% in 2016 to 49.6% in 2066. The figure reflects the fact that the labour force is gradually shrinking due to an aging population, a trend that might hinder Hong Kong’s overall economic development. Consequently, in its latest report, the Employment and Economic Development Group of the Youth I.D.E.A.S. has discussed the issue of encouraging young-olds’ employment as a means of alleviating […]
September 26, 2018

Living with Innovative Technologies and Building a Smart City

Youth I.D.E.A.S. 34 Education and Innovation Living with Innovative Technologies and Building a Smart City 26 September, 2018     Innovative technology (IT) is a driving force in worldwide economic development. As society continues to advance, application of IT in life is becoming more common, and of greater importance. For example, the invention of smartphone and electronic payment methods has brought huge change and increased convenience in daily life.   As ‘smart’ is increasingly replaced by ‘advanced’ in describing a society’s technological level, the term ‘Smart City’ has been used to describe ‘a city that widely applies IT in human […]
September 26, 2018

Living with Innovative Technologies and Building a Smart City

The Youth I.D.E.A.S. announced its latest report on Living with Innovative Technologies and Building a Smart City     The research project conducted from July to August, consists of a 520-participants onsite survey and 20 individual youth talks, found that youths’ understanding towards ‘Innovative technologies, IT’ was unclear, when some of the interviewed referred ‘R&D’ to be their first thought towards the subject. Besides, a mean score of 6.28 on a 10-point scale indicated youths’ passive attitude towards adopting IT in life.   Most participants (92.3%) chose ‘bringing convenience to life’ to be a crucial motivational factor in adopting IT. […]
August 26, 2018

Nurturing Talent for Governance

Youth I.D.E.A.S. 33 Governance and Constitutional Development Nurturing Talent for Governance 26 August, 2018     Good public governance relies on people with outstanding talents performing their duties and exerting leadership skills in their positions. Those in public office, through making good decisions and effectively using public resources to resolve social problems, improve people’s livelihoods, gain the public’s trust and make society better. Developing a pool of talent for governance is getting more attention, with many governments around the world building talent pools in areas including talent identification, training, practice and experiences retention. Some governments have also strengthened their talent […]
August 26, 2018

Nurturing Talent for Governance

The Youth I.D.E.A.S. announced its latest report on Nurturing Talent for Governance   An onsite survey conducted from June to July on 520 young people aged 18 – 34 noted that a significant proportion (77.1%) of respondents recognized the need for greater governance talent in the city. Close to 69% (68.5%) felt a lack of talent was a major hindrance to effective governance of the HKSAR Government. Thirty-eight percent (37.9%) considered that commitment to Hong Kong society the most important character that a talent for governance in Hong Kong should have.   Thirty percent (30.2%) of respondents showed interests in […]