March 8, 2018

Youth Development in the Past Two Decades

Journal of Youth Studies July 2017 Volume 20 . Issue No. 2 Serial No. 40 Youth is the pillar for the society in the future. In the past two decades, young people grow with Hong Kong, where their home is. Hong Kong is recently facing diverse challenges, such as study, work and housing, while they have different point of views regarding diverse social issues. To enhance the sense of belongings among Hong Kong teenagers, the government should connect with the young people and let them contribute to Hong Kong.   The theme of this issue is “Youth Development in the Past […]
February 11, 2018

Promoting Organ Donation in Hong Kong

The Youth I.D.E.A.S. announced its latest report on Promoting Organ Donation in Hong Kong     An onsite survey on 527 young people aged 18 – 34 found that only 6.6% of respondents had signed up or registered as organ donors even though more than half (55.4%) were willing. They said the main barriers were lack of clarity about registration procedures (26.5%) and lack of time (21.0%).   A large majority agreed that their donations could be life-saving (85.8%) but over a quarter considered themselves either too young to think about it (26.6%) or were concerned about objections from their […]
February 11, 2018

Promoting Organ Donation in Hong Kong

Youth I.D.E.A.S. 28 Society and Livelihood Promoting Organ Donation in Hong Kong 11 February, 2018     Every day, over 2,000 patients in Hong Kong are waiting for an organ transplant to extend their lives. However, the organ donation rate in Hong Kong is currently amongst the lowest in the world at 6.3 donors per million people, seven times lower than that of Spain in 2016. Some Hong Kong patients even die whilst waiting for an organ transplant.   Hong Kong has long maintained a policy of ‘voluntary organ donation’. Under this mechanism, everyone can register themselves on the Centralised […]
January 30, 2018

e-Sports in Hong Kong

The Youth I.D.E.A.S. announced its latest report on e-Sports in Hong Kong           The Youth I.D.E.A.S. (established by HKFYG Youth Research Centre) has released its study on “e-Sports in Hong Kong”.   Data gathered from 1,407 HKFYG members aged 15-29 showed that 38.5% have viewed e-Sports tournaments within 6 months before the survey while 13.4% have taken part in casual e-Sports competitions.  68.4% agreed that Hong Kong should further develop the e-Sports industry.  However, they think that “opposition by family members” (58.9%) and “social misunderstanding on e-Sports” (48.3%) are two main obstacles for young people to […]
January 30, 2018

e-Sports in Hong Kong

Youth I.D.E.A.S. 27 Employment and Economic Development e-Sports in Hong Kong 30 January, 2018     e-Sports consists of organised video game competitions that include elements of both video game and sports.  It is a popular activity among young people today.  Participants may watch or take part in competitions.   According the to the Global e-Sports market report, the global e-Sports audience has reached 385 million in 2017 and will reach 589 million in 2020[1].  The Olympic Council of Asia has also announced that e-Sports will become a medal event in the 2022 Hangzhou Asian Games[2].   Because of its […]
January 14, 2018

STEM Education in Secondary Schools: Improving Resource Utilization

The Youth I.D.E.A.S. announced its latest report on STEM Education in Secondary Schools: Improving Resource Utilization     In the study, completed questionnaires were retrieved from 105 Hong Kong local secondary schools, which provide a fuller picture of the development of STEM education in secondary schools and the relevant resource usage. 9 secondary schools with remarkable practices were invited to participate in our case study, and 8 major strategies were therefore identified for resources utilization in promoting STEM education in secondary schools. An integrated analysis on the expert/scholar interviews and overseas case study on the US, Singapore and Estonia were […]
January 14, 2018

STEM Education in Secondary Schools : Improving Resource Utilization

Youth I.D.E.A.S. 26 Education and Innovation STEM Education in Secondary Schools : Improving Resource Utilization 14 January, 2018     STEM is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering and Education; STEM education refers to the multidisciplinary teaching of these subjects. STEM education emphasises helping students cultivate innovative mindsets, developing interests in these subjects as well as enhancing their creativity, problem-solving skills, logical thinking and capability to engage in collaboration.   Believing that STEM education can help nurture talent and maintain national competitiveness, many countries have stressed the importance of STEM education in recent years. The 2015 Trends in International Mathematics […]
December 21, 2017

Building Public Trust in the Government

Youth I.D.E.A.S. 25 Governance and Constitutional Development Building Public Trust in the Government 21 December, 2017     Trust is a precious resource in facilitating interactions among people in any kind of society, including those between the government and its people. It is also a major concern when it comes to good governance. Yet, when looking around the world, challenges to the mutual trust between the government and the public are common. An international survey noted that in 21 out of the 28 countries or areas polled in the survey, people’s trust in government was rated under 50%[1].   In […]
December 21, 2017

Building Public Trust in the Government

The Youth I.D.E.A.S. announced its latest report on Building Public Trust in the Government     An onsite survey in early last month on 525 young people aged 15 – 34 noted that up to 80% (79.1%) of respondents said the lack of mutual trust between the administration and the public was a major obstacle to policy implementation.  Thirty-five (35%) believed the greatest meaning of trust it has is its potential to facilitate policy implementation.   Yet, 70.8% felt that the SAR Government did not trust young people. Sixty-three percent (63.4%) said that they did not trust the SAR Government. […]