October 30, 2016

Young People’s Views on Civil Servant Challenges

  Youth I.D.E.A.S. 15 Governance and Constitutional Development Young People’s Views on Civil Servant Challenges 30 October, 2016     Civil servants are an essential part of the government, and are vital to maintaining good governance.  They also play an important role in executing policies and striving for public trust, thereby fostering social development and effective governance.   According to the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) of the People’s Republic of China (hereafter called “Basic Law”), public servants are a key component of the HKSAR’s political structure.  The Basic Law stipulates that public servants (including […]
September 27, 2016

Challenges Faced by Ethnic Minorities in Hong Kong

  Youth I.D.E.A.S. 14 Society and Livelihood Challenges Faced by Ethnic Minorities in Hong Kong 27 September, 2016     Hong Kong is a multicultural society. According to the 2011 population census, a total of 192,400 people from ethnic minorities were living in Hong Kong. Of these people, 61,400 were South Asians, which is the largest ethnic group in Hong Kong, constituting 31.9% of the ethnic minority population. The growth rate of the ethnic minorities’ population is higher than that of Hong Kong as a whole, and this population is relatively young. Ethnic minorities make up an important part of […]
September 27, 2016

Challenges Faced by Ethnic Minorities in Hong Kong

The Youth I.D.E.A.S. announced its latest report on Challenges Faced by Ethnic Minorities in Hong Kong   The Youth I.D.E.A.S. has released its fourteenth study on “Challenges Faced by Ethnic Minorities in Hong Kong”. Data gathered from 520 young respondents found that 62.7% of young people surveyed did not make contact with Ethnic Minorities in past year while 35.4% of them did.   In addition, 64.3% of young respondents thought they have a poor understanding of the daily life and culture of Ethnic Minorities. This statement received an average score of 3.3 on the scale of 0 to 10.   […]
August 30, 2016

Diversifying Hong Kong’s Attractions to Boost Tourism

The Youth I.D.E.A.S. announced its latest report on Diversifying Hong Kong’s Attractions to Boost Tourism     The Youth I.D.E.A.S. (established by HKFYG Youth Research Centre) has released its study on “Diversifying Hong Kong’s Attractions to Boost Tourism”.  Data gathered from 570 visitors showed that only 14.4% come here to shop and only 17.5% are interested in luxury products.  Visitors are more interested in humanized and localized feature travel.   The study recommended diversifying the development of the tourism industry by accrediting native guides who have professional knowledge on specific communities and the promotion of local travel routes suggested by […]
August 30, 2016

Diversifying Hong Kong’s Attractions to Boost Tourism

    Youth I.D.E.A.S. 13 Employment and Economic Development Diversifying Hong Kong’s Attractions to Boost Tourism 30 August, 2016     Tourism is one of the four key industries in Hong Kong.  In 2014 it generated value added of HK$112.5 billion, which equates to 5.1% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP),[1] and employed 270,000 workers.  It is a significant driving force of Hong Kong’s economic growth.   The number of visitors to Hong Kong has seen double-digit growth since 2010.  However, there was a decrease of 2.5%, to 59.31 million arrivals, in 2015, and visitor numbers dropped further in the first […]
June 28, 2016

Young People’s Views on Continuous Learning

  Youth I.D.E.A.S. 12 Education and Innovation Young People’s Views on Continuous Learning 28 June, 2016   In this knowledge-based society, practising lifelong learning is important. In a survey entitled ‘Indicators of Youth Values 2014’, which was conducted by The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, around ninety (89.4%) respondents believed lifelong learning to be necessary. Around seventy (68.1%) agreed that working and studying at the same time is challenging, revealing the fact that although young people affirm the importance of lifelong learning, in reality there are some obstacles to making continuous learning happen.   In 1998, former chief executive […]
June 28, 2016

Young People’s Views on Continuous Learning

The Youth I.D.E.A.S. announced its latest report on “Young People’s Views on Continuous Learning”   The Youth I.D.E.A.S. has released its twelfth study on “Young People’s Views on Continuous Learning”. According to the survey, among 527 respondents, they generally believe that continuous learning is a must, with the average score of 7.03 (10 being the highest score). However, only one-third (32.3%) of respondents revealed that they have participated in continuous learning within the past five years. Moreover, 46.0% of respondents have not yet decided their plan on continuous learning.   The Study found that respondents believe the most crucial factors […]
May 29, 2016

Young People’s Views on the Roles and Functions of the Legislative Council

The Youth I.D.E.A.S. announced its latest report on Young People’s Views on the Roles and Functions of the Legislative Council     A territory-wide telephone survey on 539 young people aged 18 – 34 noted that on the merits of the current Legislative Council, some 28% of respondents agreed there was a diversity of voices in the chamber.  Some respondents from the face-to-face interviews also expressed positive remark on the role of the Legislative Council, with some saying that it should be a place for debating and discussion on public issues.   In terms of drawbacks, close to one-third (32.7%) […]
May 29, 2016

Young People’s Views on the Roles and Functions of the Legislative Council

  Youth I.D.E.A.S. 11 Governance and Constitutional Development Young People’s Views on the Roles and Functions of the Legislative Council 29 May, 2016   Since the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (hereafter called “HKSAR”) in 1997, the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China (hereafter called “Basic Law”) has come into force.  As stipulated by the Basic Law, the Legislative Council (Legco) is the legislature of the HKSAR, and its main functions are to enact, amend and repeal laws; to examine and approve budgets, taxation and public expenditure; to […]