Latest Research
December 29, 2016
Youth I.D.E.A.S. 17 Employment and Economic Development Flexible Employment of Today’s Youth 29 December, 2016 Flexible employment has become popular across the globe. According to a survey conducted by the workforce management solutions company Kelly Services in 2015,[1] 31% of workers around the world are forsaking the traditional model of employment to pursue free agency, a form of flexible employment. Free agents represent 34% of the workforce in the Asia-Pacific region. This Study estimates, based on the figures of the Census and Statistics Department, that there were roughly 523,700 flexi-workers in Hong Kong in 2015, representing […]
October 30, 2016
Youth I.D.E.A.S. 15 Governance and Constitutional Development Young People’s Views on Civil Servant Challenges 30 October, 2016 Civil servants are an essential part of the government, and are vital to maintaining good governance. They also play an important role in executing policies and striving for public trust, thereby fostering social development and effective governance. According to the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) of the People’s Republic of China (hereafter called “Basic Law”), public servants are a key component of the HKSAR’s political structure. The Basic Law stipulates that public servants (including […]
September 27, 2016
Youth I.D.E.A.S. 14 Society and Livelihood Challenges Faced by Ethnic Minorities in Hong Kong 27 September, 2016 Hong Kong is a multicultural society. According to the 2011 population census, a total of 192,400 people from ethnic minorities were living in Hong Kong. Of these people, 61,400 were South Asians, which is the largest ethnic group in Hong Kong, constituting 31.9% of the ethnic minority population. The growth rate of the ethnic minorities’ population is higher than that of Hong Kong as a whole, and this population is relatively young. Ethnic minorities make up an important part of […]